Democracy for some: The civic opportunity gap in high school.
by Joseph Kahne and Ellen Middaugh
This study of high school civic learning opportunities found that a student's race and academic track, and a school's average socioeconomic status (SES) determines the availability of the school-based civic learning opportunities that promote voting and broader forms of civic engagement.
High Quality Civic Education: What Is It and Who Gets It?
by Joseph Kahne and Ellen Middaugh
The purpose of this article is to share a model of high quality civic education and the research base that supports it.
Is Patriotism Good for Democracy? A Study of High School Seniors' Patriotic Commitments
by Joseph Kahne and Ellen Middaugh
Is patriotism good for democracy? Or does a commitment to patriotism threaten democracy? Educators do not agree on this issue.
The Limits of Political Efficacy: Educating Citizens for a Democratic Society
by Joseph Kahne and Joel Westheimer
The authors discuss some surprising findings from their study of 10 nationally recognized programs that engaged youth in community-based experiences and aimed to develop democratic values.
Building Social Capital for Civic and Political Engagement: The Potential of High School Civics Courses
by Joseph Kahne, Bernadette Chi, and Ellen Middaugh
The researchers employed a quasi-experimental design using pre/post surveys and comparisons with control groups to examine the impact of the Constitutional Rights Foundations's CityWorks (USA) curriculum.
The California Survey of Civic Education
by Joseph Kahne, Ellen Middaugh, and Marshall Croddy
The Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools commissioned Professor Joseph Kahne of Mills College to construct and administer a survey to examine the civic knowledge, skills, and commitments of graduating high school seniors
What Kind of Citizen? The Politics of Educating for Democracy
by Joel Westheimer and Joseph Kahne
Educators and policy makers are increasingly pursuing programs that aim to strengthen democracy through civic education, service learning, and other pedagogies. The nature of their underlying beliefs, however, differ.
Teaching Democracy: What Schools Need to Do
by Joseph Kahne and Joel Westheimer
The authors studied 10 educational programs whose objective - to develop democratic citizens - is largely ignored by school reform policy.
In Service of What? The Politics of Service Learning
by Joseph Kahne and Joel Westheimer
"In the service of what?" is a question that inevitably merits the attention of teachers, policy makers, and academicians who take seriously the idea that learning and service reinforce each other and should come together in America's schools.