CERG’s mission is to conduct research, develop resources, and engage in education reform efforts that promote equitable, informed, and effective youth civic and political participation.
Research Focus
The Civic Engagement Research Group (CERG), at the University of California, Riverside conducts quantitative and qualitative research focused on understanding:
The nature of youth civic engagement
The impact of civic learning opportunities and digital media participation on young people's civic capacities and commitments
The quantity, quality, and equality of civic opportunities and outcomes in public schools and other contexts
The goal is to monitor trends, frame priorities, and develop an evidence base regarding effective civic education practices and policies.
Current Funders
CERG is enormously grateful to the following foundations for making our work possible: the Institute for Education Sciences (IES), the Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Philanthropies, the Stuart Foundation, and Ted and Jo Dutton.
Our Current Projects:
Educating for Democracy: Professional Learning Program
CERG has launched a hybrid professional development program for public K-12 teachers. The initiative is designed to promote high-quality civic education that responds to the realities of our current civic and political landscape via professional development offerings, including online courses and in-person institutes. More >
Evaluation of the Chicago Public Schools Civics Initiative
With the support of the Robert R. McCormick Foundation and the Spencer Foundation, CERG is launching a rigorous research study of the impact of civic education practices on civic and academic outcomes as well as on the district-wide reform strategy being implemented by the Chicago Public Schools’ Civics Initiative. More >
Leveraging Equity and Access in Democratic Education (LEADE)
The goal of the Leveraging Equity and Access in Democratic Education (LEADE) Initiative is to provide educational decision makers with a set of research-based tools for assessing equity and access in civic education in order to improve civic learning opportunities for all students. More >
Contact us:
Do you have questions or want to learn more about CERG? Get in touch!