Educating for Democracy: Professional Learning Program


Project Description

CERG has launched a hybrid professional development program for public K-12 teachers. The initiative is designed to promote high-quality civic education that responds to the realities of our current civic and political landscape via professional development offerings, including online courses and in-person institutes. These professional development efforts often complement systematic district-wide efforts to promote civic education delivered at scale and equitably. The professional learning experiences allow teachers time to learn about cutting edge research, to explore innovative civic learning approaches, and to develop a curricular unit they can use with their students. Face-to-face gatherings are done in geographical centers that are close to partner districts. In-depth online courses enable teachers to develop greater expertise and to assume the role of Teacher Leaders within their districts. While a significant amount of the content can be offered online to enable teachers to more easily participate, we also integrate small group video conference calls within each course to engage participants in discussion as well as reflection, and to enable teachers to connect with one another.

Participants can earn graduate units through UC Riverside Extension for participating. With 8-units, participants can earn a specialized certificate in Civic Education for the Digital Age.

Courses include:

  • Educating for Democracy & the California State Seal of Civic Engagement— Summer 2021 in partnership with Riverside County Office of Education

  • Educating for Informed & Equitable Voting -- in partnership with CIRCLE (check back for future offerings)

  • Promoting Media Literacy & Youth Civic Engagement -- in partnership with KQED Education (check back for future offerings)

For more information about the program, please contact


Hearst Foundations

Ted & Jo Dutton

Project Team

For more information about the individual classes, the certificate, and how to apply, visit UC Riverside Extension’s Specialized Study Program in Civic Education for the Digital Age


Leveraging Equity and Access in Democratic Education (LEADE)


Educating for Informed and Equitable Voting