Educating for Democracy Deep Dive


The Educating for Democracy Deep Dive developed by the Teaching Channel and CERG is a curated collection of videos accompanied by educational resources, blogs, and articles related to preparing youth for civic and political life in the digital age.

Project Description

Educators play a vital role in preparing youth to be thoughtful and active participants in our democracy. But it’s often hard to know where to start and how best to integrate civic learning. In the Educating for Democracy Deep Dive, the Teaching Channel and CERG have curated a collection of videos, blogs, educational resources, and relevant research to support educators in and out of schools in preparing youth to participate fully and thoughtfully in civic and political life in the digital age.

The Deep Dive resources are organized under the following essential questions to help educators explore various ways to integrate civic learning:


INVESTIGATION & RESEARCH: How do I help students research issues that matter to them?

CIVIC KNOWLEDGE: How do I help further students’ civic knowledge and understanding?

DISCUSSION: How do I help students have productive discussions about current and controversial issues?

VOICE: How can students voice their perspective on issues that matter to them?

ACTION: What are effective ways to take action in the digital age? 

LEARN MORE: Where can I learn more and find resources?


If you’d like to receive regular updates about new content on the Deep Dive and other related resources, follow @Ed4Democracy and sign up for the Educating for Democracy newsletter by clicking here.


Teaching Channel 


Hearst Foundations

Project Team

For more details, visit Educating for Democracy Deep Dive


Educating for Informed and Equitable Voting


Supports for Civic Media